Thursday, June 6, 2013

Primary education

Primary education, normally starting at age seven, is a four-year foundation stage (Primary 1 to 4) and a two-year orientation stage(Primary 5 to 6).[17] Primary education is compulsory under the Compulsory Education Act since 2003.[5] Exemptions are made for pupils who are homeschooling, attending a full-time religious institution or those with special needs who are unable to attend mainstream schools.[4] However, parents have to meet the requirements set out by the Ministry of Education before these exemptions are granted.[4] Primary education is free for all Singapore citizens in schools under the purview of the Ministry of Education, though there is a fee of up to SGD 13 monthly per student to help cover miscellaneous costs.[17]
The foundation stage is the first stage of formal schooling. The four years, from primary 1 to 4, provide a foundation in English, mother tongue (which includes Chinese, Malay, Tamil or a Non-Tamil Indian Language (NTIL)) and Mathematics.[18] Other subjects include Civics and Moral Education, arts and crafts, music, health educationsocial studies, and physical education, which are taught throughout Primary 1 to 6.[18] Science is taught from Primary 3 onwards.[18]
All pupils advance to the orientation stage after Primary 4, where they are streamed according the pupil's ability.[19] The streaming system has been adjusted: previously, pupils were divided at Primary 5 to the EM1, EM2 and EM3 (English and Mother Tongue at 1st, 2nd and 3rd language respectively) streams, but since 2008 they are streamed according to subject under a scheme known as "Subject-based banding".[19] Students take subjects at different levels based on their scores in the respective subjects at the end of Primary 3.[19] The Mother Tongue subjects are offered at the higher, standard or foundation levels; Science and Maths can be taken at the standard or foundation levels.[19]
After six years of Primary education, students will have to sit for the national Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE).[17] Students will then choose the secondary school of their choice based on their results at this examination; they will then be assigned to a secondary school based on merit and their choice.[20] Students are also admitted into a secondary school under a separate "Direct School Admission" scheme, whereby secondary schools are able to choose a certain number of students based on their special talents before these students take the PSLE.[21] Students admitted under this scheme cannot select their schools based on their PSLE results.[20]

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